10 Şubat 2016 Çarşamba

10 Things You Probably Never Knew About Coffee

#1 How coffee was first discovered

Legend has it that the energizing effects of coffee were first observed in goats that had been munching on coffee berries in Ethiopia. The shepherd said that his jittery goats appeared to be "dancing."

#2 Death by coffee: It's possible

Sadly, you actually CAN overdose on your good friend coffee and die. REALLY. You would have to drink a lot of coffee though: 52 cups ingested by a 125 pound person would equal a lethal dose.

#3 K-Cups are incredibly wasteful

In 2013 alone, there were so many K-Cups manufactured that if they were all brought together and lined up in a row, they would wrap around the earth's equator 10.5 times. That is a lot of plastic!

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